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"Ich bin geliebt"

24 years old
United States

Last Login: 7/25/2006
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    Conner's Interests
GeneralReading, cooking, paintballing, sleeping (even though I don't do much of that, it's still one of my favies :) working out, one-on-one conversations face to face, talking about peoples pasts, talking about peoples futures, movies, I do still play video games and will 'till I die, I guess I can add chatting on Myspace 'cause this is pretty sweet.
MusicMetallica, Led Zepplin, and Billy Joel are my top three. I am pretty eclectic when it comes to music. I can even appreciate hip hop and some country. Yeah thats not totally open minded but I don't dislike any music. I even dig opera!
MoviesAsk any of my friends and they will tell you I have seen every movie and can quote it verbatim. This is not fully true. I have seen a lot of movies, and I will watch most anything once. To name a few favorites, I like Saving Private Ryan, Braveheart, Clockwork Orange, Full metal Jacket, Apocalypse Now, Steel Magnolias....I know, "chick flick," but hey, 1st movie that ever made me cry, and it has every time since....
TelevisionDon't watch much t.v. too many freakin' reallity shows!!! I love ESPN and FSC (fox soccer channel) Discovery is the shizz, because you can always learn something new. If I really want to nerd out this is what I watch, or the History Channel. Don't ask me who will win the next IDOL because the banality of that show makes my head hurt. The Ultimate Fighter is about the only show I watch with any regularity. Lastly, I think Oprah and Martha Stewart should box each other for charity. Al Roker and Larry King could be the undercard...tee hee
BooksDean Koontz books, even though he writes a new book every week. Michael Crichton is another favorite. I have read The Great Gatsby and Catcher in the Rye five times a piece...YIKES! Tolkien is the man, as is C.S. Lewis. Like movies, I will read anything once....
HeroesMy mom, first and foremost. She is my pillar, the angel on my shoulder, Mo Cuishle' (Irish Gaelic for "my darling, my blood") My sister for being younger yet stronger, my step dad, whom I look up to more each day. My dearest Jessica, without whom I would be lost. My true friends who stuck by me while I struggled with drug and alcohol addiction, and countinue to be those lifelines that help pull me back from the edge of the abyss. These people also include Chris, Jarrett, Mark, Amy, Scott, Isaac, Jeff, Carl...and I hope to add more to this list.

     Conner's Details
Here for:Networking, Friends
Body type:6' 0" / Athletic
Ethnicity:White / Caucasian
Zodiac Sign:Virgo
Smoke / Drink:No / No
Education:Some college
Occupation:Woodmark Hotel Engineering

   Conner's Schools
Newport Senior High School
Bellevue, WA
Graduated: 2000
Student status: Alumni
Degree: High School Diploma
Major: I didn't "apply" myself
Minor: Driving my teachers into early retirement

1997 to 2000

   Conner's Companies
Sierra Fish & Pets
Bellevue, Washington US
Assistant Manager
Yea, there was some division, but the computer did most of the work =P
06/23/98 - 11/11/04
Carillon Properties
Kirkland, Washington US
Mr. fix it type of guy (it says so on my ID badge)
02/28/05 - Present

Conner is in your extended network

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   Conner's Blurbs
About me:
Birthplace:Seattle, Wa
Current Location:Kirkland, Wa
Eye Color:Hazel
Hair Color:Brown
Right Handed or Left Handed:Right
Your Heritage:Irish German Swedish
The Shoes You Wore Today:New Balance 970's
Your Weakness:Crying isn't a weakness, it's a strength
Your Fears:That I will become my father
Your Perfect Pizza:Yes
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:Get into shape other than round ;-)
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger:LMMFAO of JK to get myself out of trouble
Thoughts First Waking Up:Ow, I just rolled over on a kickstand
Your Best Physical Feature:Depends on what you like in a man....
Your Bedtime:When I fall asleep! DUH!
Your Most Missed Memory:You can't miss a memory if you don't remember it
Pepsi or Coke:Diet
MacDonalds or Burger King:Toilet water is cleaner than the ice served at either....does that count as an answer?
Single or Group Dates:Menage' et toi'
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea:Whatever claymation Rocky drinks in that commercial.
Chocolate or Vanilla:Vanilla
Cappuccino or Coffee:Ice cream?
Do you Smoke:Only after I put myself out
Do you Swear:@%#* NO!
Do you Sing:All the time
Do you Shower Daily:Sometimes twice
Have you Been in Love:Yes
Do you want to go to College:I want to go back
Do you want to get Married:Oh yeah
Do you belive in yourself:Yes
Do you get Motion Sickness:*urp
Do you think you are Attractive:Yes
Are you a Health Freak:No
Do you get along with your Parents:Yes
Do you like Thunderstorms:Not if I am wearing my armor that day
Do you play an Instrument:Want to learn piano
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol:Nope, I gave it up
In the past month have you Smoked:Yes
In the past month have you been on Drugs:No, gave those up too :)
In the past month have you gone on a Date:Yes
In the past month have you gone to a Mall:Yes
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos:No
In the past month have you eaten Sushi:No, thanks for reminding me
In the past month have you been on Stage:No
In the past month have you been Dumped:No
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping:Geez, I haven't done anything cool in the last month
In the past month have you Stolen Anything:No
Ever been Drunk:More often than not
Ever been called a Tease:It's what I pride myself on
Ever been Beaten up:Only when I didn't deserve it
Ever Shoplifted:Yes
How do you want to Die:Saving a strangers life
What do you want to be when you Grow Up:I don't wanna grow up, I'm a Toys'R'Us kid
What country would you most like to Visit:Germany
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color:Dark blue, or green is sexy
Favourite Hair Color:Red or black, dark brown will do as well
Short or Long Hair:Long
Height:Between 4 and 7 feet is all gravy
Weight:Healthier is better than Kate Mossish
Best Clothing Style:When it matches the person
Number of Drugs I have taken:HA, my keyboard doesn't have a key for exponents
Number of CDs I own:Couple hunski
Number of Piercings:used to be 4
Number of Tattoos:2
Number of things in my Past I Regret:I do not regret the past nor wish to shut the door on it

Who I'd like to meet:
Pretty much anybody... Every person is a new opportunity to explore the mystery that is mankind. I am most interested in people who are free spirited, independent, and not clicky (sp?}. That is to say, I respect people who stick up for what they believe is right regardless of peer pressure. People who do not look the other way if a friend is slippin' and call it having their back. I like having people around who will give it to me straight because they respect me enough to tell me the truth, and they know I will reciprocate. That's true friendship to me... Hang on let me step down from this soap box...there we go.... Seriously though, the people I surround now myself with are genuine, supportive human beings. I have had way too many "buddies" in the past, and those people aren't around anymore because of their predilection to my aforementioned "pet peeves." That may sound snoby or eliteist, but these are qualities that are important to me, paramount in my mind to being someone I can call a friend. Whew.

   Conner's Friend Space
Conner has 3 friends.


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Conner's Friends Comments
Displaying 29 of 34 comments  ( View All | Add Comment )

7/22/2006 9:39 AM

I just figured it out. I am an idiot....I love you

7/22/2006 9:02 AM

Hey what's going on? We still need to get together :) I love you

7/21/2006 1:30 PM

dont forget that you still have freinds connor...

and pay no attention to those hateful fuckers on your blog page, they (quite clearly) have never met you. they judge and judge and judge and the preach and preach and preach, and they always seem to forget that it is he who lives without sin that casts the first stone.

7/21/2006 6:45 AM

To all of you who make yourselves feel better by attacking Connor on his blog page...why don't you take a minute to think about his family and friends. Is it not enough for them to suffer such a horrible shock to learn what happened, now they have to take insults directed at both Connor AND themselves? How dare anyone pass jugdement when its not theirs to pass. There is no excuse for what Connor may have done, but his family and friends do not deserve to see such hatred toward their family and family members. They've been through and will continue to go through enough. My heart goes out to them and everyone else who's been involved in this terrible tragedy.

7/21/2006 2:00 AM

You are not alone my sweet Conner. Those who've never known you will never know the real you. I will always be here for you waiting and that will never change. My prayers are sent your way. I wish that I could hold you and see your beautiful face. Much love to you.

7/20/2006 7:05 PM

Let me are a good man. Jarrett and I love and support you through these tremendously tough times.
Love your friend,
Kay-Lah (my new nickname thanks to you *smile*)
The Evil Kraut

7/20/2006 6:03 PM

I love you like a brother, and I always will. Nothing is ever going to change that. You are in my prayers brother, you and so many others.

7/20/2006 10:37 AM

Your family and friends support and love you Conner. In 8 years of knowing you, I've come to care about you like a brother.

7/20/2006 10:30 AM

I love you more than life, Conner.

7/19/2006 11:59 PM

How I love my Baba; let me count the ways...

I love you for your contagious breathy laugh when we get started giggling from nerpiness.

I love you for having the biggest, kindest heart of any man I've ever met.

I love you for the sigh you let out everytime we hug.

I love you for your strength and admire your courage in your sobriety.

I love you for making me laugh when the world seems to have turned against me for a moment.

But most of all, I love you for loving me like you do and for surpassing my expectations as a friend.

You are my gentle light that always steers me home...

Your Mija

7/19/2006 1:16 AM

Oh I almost forgot the whip cream.....Yummy

7/19/2006 1:14 AM

Just wanted to say hi, sweet cherry pie =)

7/18/2006 11:30 AM

Do you ever find Bugs Bunny attractive when he puts on a dress and plays a girl bunny?

7/13/2006 12:31 AM

Conner of the Shire! You all moved in? We should go hang out and play some pool, either this weekend, or next week. I gotta put you in your place. I have been practicing like crazy, i even went down to two tournaments in vegas. HA! maybe not, i would be honored to be beaten by you. lol.... laters

7/12/2006 9:28 AM

"So I jumped over his desk, grabbed him by his big fat head and said LISTEN MAN, I'M NOT GOING TO JAIL FOR YOU or ANYBODY!!!!"

7/11/2006 11:16 PM

Thank you for your kind words. You truly are a great friend =)

7/10/2006 11:32 PM

Thanks buddy! :)

7/10/2006 12:19 PM

What's up was good to hear from ya! We'll have to get the ol' peeps back together soon!!! XOXO ~K~
the PCSqueeze

7/7/2006 12:49 AM

You think that pic of Kaleena and Rene is hot? You should have seen what I seen on Tuesday night...WOAH!.......Just pausin. Flashbacks and stuff. Your ass is dead for that wet willie. Oh, and your sister is the spitting image of your mom.
Could you do me a favor? When you come to my parents house? Could you not dress like a circa 1970's pimp? My parents are a little eccentric.

7/6/2006 5:42 AM

Just stoppin by to say hello. I hope all is well in your world =)

7/5/2006 7:39 AM

Hey sweetness...
Just thhinkin' of ya and wanted to let you know.

6/29/2006 8:43 PM

lol, I love you! I'm sorry if me playing with my kitty on myspace embarrassed you, lol. SEE YOU IN A COUPLE DAYS!!!! I'm beyond excited! let me know if I can do anything to help. I am free ALL day sunday!

6/28/2006 5:34 AM

No joke, I told my Mom that I was talking to you and she was totally blown away. She said the same thing:) And I just saw Kinseys picture too. She's all grown up! I just remember a tiny little blonde girl :)

6/26/2006 4:59 PM

and I love him bunches!
The Evil Kraut

6/23/2006 4:56 AM

Damn glad to see you on here finally. This is about the only way I can stay in touch with anyone anymore. September can't come soon enough bro. I'll be back in NY next month though, and that is comforting enough. Just away from this place. We have to get together this September. If not, November will be just as good.

6/22/2006 4:22 PM

Did you know that you are one of my "HEROES" too?!?!?!?! Oh, my sweet Conner...

6/22/2006 9:04 AM

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

6/22/2006 4:56 AM

myspace layouts,  myspace codes,  glitter graphics

Hope you have a good day sweetie.

6/21/2006 9:02 PM

most people would say that i am popping you myspace cherry, i say i am popping your cherry.
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